16 October, 2008

Is it wrong of me?

Is it silly or at all wrong of me to not want to vote early? I have no issue with those who do, but I have been confronted, three times in the past week, with perfect opportunities to cast my vote for President. All three of those times, I purposely chose to walk on by. 

It's not that I'm undecided (John McCain and Sarah Palin did a damn good job of convincing me NOT to vote for them) but I actually want to wait until election day. The signs outside the early voting stations proudly proclaim "get your vote counted FIRST on election day!!"

I've three qualms with this. 

One: We aren't stupid. All the votes are the same. It doesn't matter exactly when our vote is counted, just that it is counted. 

Two: Voting early seems too damn easy. I want to wait in line on election day. I want it to rain. I want it to be a moderate pain in the ass. Perhaps I'm romanticizing it, but I want to feel epic when I cast my vote for Barack.

Three: What if they lose the ballots? I know they won't, but by God, suppose I were to cast my vote early, the ballots would be incinerated in a freak accident later that day (my luck is poor). Irrational fear? Yes. Good enough to keep me from voting early? Yes.

much respect

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Voting not early is SO CASH.