31 January, 2009

Posting with punctuality

Wow, I'm getting pretty bad with updating this on a regular basis. Sorry all. My typical "swing" of things has been slightly interrupted with the change of my class schedule and the adding of extracurricular activities to my plate.

Firstly, my 4-7am radio show on KRUI 89.7fm (in Iowa City) is going splendidly. My second show is tonight and the first show got a surprising amount of listeners. In the event that you are ever up from 4-7am on a Sunday, you should listen to my show (it's called the "AfterParty") at kruiradio.org/listen.

Secondly, I've got a podcast to accompany the radio show, for those who don't listen to radio stations at such ungodly hours. The first one is hosted on ZShare (http://www.zshare.net/audio/546611797fbe0d62/). Download it at your leisure and listen to it where you choose. BTW, the podcast mostly comprises techno and the like, so if you don't like it, you may not wish to waste your time. Just sayin'.

Thirdly, I can't remember a time when I didn't give any less of a damn about the SuperBowl then tomorrow's SuperBowl XLIII. As a guy who's pretty interested in sports, including the NFL, I really don't care who wins tomorrow. I would prefer the Cardinals, since they have an Iowa connection and they are the underdogs, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll probably watch for the commercials.

Lastly, I realized today how much money I've been spending since being back to Iowa City. Damn. It's a pretty penny. I think I'm going to restrict myself to minimal necessary spending for the next week or two. It sounds easy right now, but time will tell. Updates to come.

much respect,

ps: I've received an unprecedented amount of encouragement and support for my new KRUI radio show. As such, "thank yous" are in order. Big thanks to Bella, Courtney, Jacob, Joshua, Alex, Tim & Jan, Erica Barnes, Nathan Gould, all of the live show listeners, and all of the podcast listeners. This has been a pain in the ass to produce over the first few weeks, but even just the encouragement from any one of you at any one time makes it all worthwhile :)

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