12 November, 2008

Partially blocked writer

So I'm not really feeling that creative writing I was talking about... I guess I just can't really get in to that story I was working on, my heart just isn't there at this point. It could certainly be worse (I could be having writer's block). I think I'll just take some time to brainstorm and work on a better, more sound idea when it comes to me.

In other news, I got a chance to see Jim Cramer tape his show "Mad Money" on the UI campus today. Earlier today, I even got the chance to aid in a student interview with him for SVP (I held the boom mic). Cramer's a really nice guy, shorter than I imagined. Really down to earth and passionate about helping people. Really one of the nicest people I've had the opportunity to meet. He also taped a really a great show. I'm on TV for a few fleeting moments, as the camera pans over the crowd (I'm last row on the floor, in the back, right by the middle aisle). It was a great show, and it'll be reaired at 11pm EST (about five minutes from now) on CNBC tonight. Watch it, if you can.

much respect,

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