28 December, 2008


Luck was on my side with yesterday's trip to Florida (where I'm spending time with some family). No less than a few hours after I got out of Des Moines, sleet apparently overtook the roads and made everything icy. I feel guilty to be in 85-degree weather, but hot damn, it feels good.

I've been trying to keep a travel journal with some consistency (no promises). I'll convert it from handwriting to typing and I hope to get some of it posted up here in the next week or so.

Two more things:
1) Saw "The Spirit." Awesome, bizarre movie. Think of it as a less violent, more detective-like "Sin City." Samuel L. delivers some great lines and Scarlett Johannson steals the show for a bit. Solid "A-" movie.
2) Futureme.org. Before the new year, take a visit to this site. It allows you to draft an email that will be stored and sent to you at a date of your choice in the future. The really neat thing is to see what some other people have written to themselves (you can choose to draft a private email or a public, but anonymous, email). Neat stuff and kind of a cool alternative to new year's resolutions if you're into that sort of thing.

much respect,

EDIT: also, I'm told another plane slid off the runway at O'Hare the day before last (just after my last post). Hey, if it's good for the economy... (thanks, Tim)


Thomas Matysik said...

Question regarding "The Spirit": how seriously does it take itself? Because while my friends and I were watching the trailer before Slumdog Millionaire (fanTASTical film, by the way) we were intrigued...and then concerned when the line "I'm gonna kill you all kinds of dead" was uttered.

Josh said...


'Spirit' doesn't take itself seriously at all. If anything, the movie makes fun of itself for the vast majority of it's length (esp. any sequence between Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johannson).