15 December, 2008

Hay babay...

Long time no see and all that. Finals week has arrived at the University of Iowa and the temperature is somewhere between uncontrollable swearing and involuntary body spasms. Studying has of course taken precedence over posting recently, but there has been some decent news recently, especially with the recent scandal concerning Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. 

As most readers of this blog might be able to guess, the UI is composed mostly of people from "a suburb of Des Moines," or "a suburb of Chicago." I would venture so far as to say that we Iowans are the minority at the UI. Having spoken with my friends about the Blagojevich scandal, not one of them is at all surprised. Allow me to repeat that: no one from Illinois is surprised that their governor allegedly attempted to commit fraud. 

Furthermore, no one seems to be surprised that Blagojevich is refusing to resign. It would be one thing if this case were unfounded, but tapes of Blagojevich have been released where he explicitly states that he is selling Barack Obama's senate seat. I have never been this confused with how someone could possibly belive that they'll keep their job having been caught ON TAPE plotting to commit a felony. 

And I thought Chet Culver was dumb. Thank God for the Big Lug, I guess.

much repect,

1 comment:

Thomas Matysik said...

I can understand why a lot of people aren't surprised. Not only is there that history of IL governors being less than trustworthy human beings, but Mr. Blagoyabuglubavich has had an approval rating lower than President Bush's has ever been - and that was before any of this Senate seat stuff came into play.