08 January, 2009


I had the fantastic opportunity to have dinner with professional wakeboarder Keith Lyman tonight, who is a friend of my father and stepmother. Keith is a really awesome down-to-earth guy who just happens to do bad-ass things for a living. If you are at all into film/video production or wakeboarding, check out his site. It's got some really cool stuff.

You might notice that I've added a link box to the side of the page. In it there's a link to my buddy Thomas's blog. Thomas and I met each other through a video production class last year. Thomas is a truly gifted (and funny) writer. Additionally there are links to XKCD (my favorite webcomic) and, of course, to Keith Lyman's site. I'll likely add links in the near future, too.

Lastly, I'm considering a change in the look of the site. I'm not sure how I will change it or even if I will change it, but it's a thought. If you have a comment or question on this, by all means leave one!

much respect,

1 comment:

Thomas Matysik said...

Aw, thanks. You've inspired me to update my two year old links as well.