19 March, 2009

Movies and Parades

I made a conscious decision earlier this year not to go to Key West, Florida for spring break. I had the means, motive, and opportunity to do so, and I turned it down in favor of finding work for summer. This was a decision I was certain that I would grow to regret, but I am beyond enthused to say that I have been proven wrong.

I've seen a surprising number of good movies recently. Funny how that goes, whenever I see a great movie, I seem to see three or four at a time. About a week and a half ago, I saw "Dead Man," a 1995 'post-modern' western starring Johnny Depp. Bizarre film, but darkly humorous and worth looking through a few video stores to find this rarity. I also finally got around to seeing "Requiem for a Dream," and "Slumdog Millionaire," both of which I'd been meaning to see for quite some time.

"Requiem," was a beautiful film and everything I expected, if a little bit depressing. "Slumdog" also made an impression on me and I understand why it is so acclaimed now. While I think that the film is an eastern film pushed through a westernized filter, I don't think it at all affects the quality of the film. If anything, I feel that the film is yet another achievement for an already established Danny Boyle.

The St. Patrick's Day parade in Des Moines was also an unbelievable blast. It felt nice to let go for a few hours and scream my head off for beads and candy (no, I didn't flash anyone). I even managed to get a free shirt out of it, from some pub I've never heard of in Urbandale. I've even met a few more great people at the parade, which just reinforces my belief that I made the right decision to stay in Des Moines. I love spring.

much respect,

10 March, 2009

a day to listen to radiohead.

There couldn't be a grayer day possible for Iowa City today. Bleak and rainy outside, the fog is so thick that it's harder so see much further than about 50 yards or so, but that might just be my near-sightedness kicking in.

Frankly, though, I love these sorts of days. It isn't really cold (in fact there's next to no wind, so it feels like it's in the mid-50s) and I've gathered that the weather in England is not all that dissimilar to this. There's just something about it that makes me feel productive and professional inside. I have the sudden urge to dress up more than what is really necessary and get things done for the sheer sense of accomplishment. Simultaneously, however, I'm starting to get really weary of classes and spring break (which is this next week) could not be coming at a better time.

Also, for all of you facebook addicts out there, my friend Ming Tran sent me this video. I relate to it and can't help but chuckle (and be just a tad fearful inside) that communication has distilled itself all the way down to this.

much respect

PS: As I finished writing this post, some frat guy (no I'm not profiling, he was wearing his letters) walks through the slightly busier than normal coffee house where I happen to be at this moment in time, and loudly moaned, "What the f*ck is it with these people? Don't they have jobs?" I'm not a truly violent person, but I have never wanted to punch someone so hard in my life, and I'm guessing, judging by the look on their faces, a number of other patrons feel the same.

02 March, 2009


Only a handful of people may know this, but I actually returned to Des Moines this weekend, with next to no planning. My dad came down to visit and we decided that it would be nice to leave Iowa City for a weekend and spend it in a city we were both familiar with. It was nice stopping by and seeing a few select friends and family members (please don't be offended if you weren't one of them, I had a very limited amount of time) while running about town doing the things I used to (and still do) love to do.

Additionally, a friend of mine told me about this blog website, Tumblr, on which I've created a second (yes, SECOND) blog. I hesitate to use that word, though. "Blog." It's a much more static, unfiltered representation of myself and my web-surfing habits. Expect more random thoughts and links from my tumblr as opposed to actual entries that you get in this blog.

Lastly, the new episode of my podcast is out now, available through ZShare as always. Give it a download if you like.

much respect,