02 March, 2009


Only a handful of people may know this, but I actually returned to Des Moines this weekend, with next to no planning. My dad came down to visit and we decided that it would be nice to leave Iowa City for a weekend and spend it in a city we were both familiar with. It was nice stopping by and seeing a few select friends and family members (please don't be offended if you weren't one of them, I had a very limited amount of time) while running about town doing the things I used to (and still do) love to do.

Additionally, a friend of mine told me about this blog website, Tumblr, on which I've created a second (yes, SECOND) blog. I hesitate to use that word, though. "Blog." It's a much more static, unfiltered representation of myself and my web-surfing habits. Expect more random thoughts and links from my tumblr as opposed to actual entries that you get in this blog.

Lastly, the new episode of my podcast is out now, available through ZShare as always. Give it a download if you like.

much respect,

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

That's meee. :3

You're obsessed with Tumblr now. You can't deny it. :)